The Samuel Pasture

(Click the image to follow the progress)

Samuel Williams
"They came to help not visit"

Born on this property in 1880, Samuel never wanted to leave "his farm."  As his daughters got older male friends would come over and he would immediately put them to work.  More than one gentleman friend would never show up again. 

The front pasture was a 5 acre wooded area.  Most of the trees were second growth trees.  They were the home of deer, rabbits, fox, snakes, frogs and turtles.  The land is a sandy soil.  It is well drained in some areas and holds moisture in others.  None of the area is flooded nor completely dry.  Some of the soil was removed over the years to repair the roads and driveway.

The first act was to remove the trees.  Once the trees were removed, the contour of the land could be determined.  The next step is to change the grade of the land.  Top soil from other parts of The Farm had to be brought in to fill in the bowl effect.  The grade was changed to be gentle enough to be comfortable on equipment working the land in any direction.  Seeding had to be done to prevent erosion. Trees were planted for fruit, shade and shelter.

February 5, 2006, a sign was posted marking the entrance to the farm.  This sign was originally posted with the intent to move it once the finial markings of the land and filling with dirt was completed.  An additional oak tree had to be removed to provide enough width to the driveway for large vehicles to enter.  The sign would then be put in it's permanent place.  Watch for the changes in the future of the landscape behind the sign.
