The Farm

The Horses
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In 1901, just 36 years after the Civil War in the Middle Peninsula of Virginia, The Farm, was purchased.  For over a century, family members were born, lived, worked and died on The Farm.  During that time tobacco, corn, watermelons, lettuce, tomatoes, peanuts and other cash crops were grown on the farm.  Nature reclaimed the areas that were not actively used.  Groves of trees sprang up in those areas.

Horses always had a place on The Farm.  They were used to tend the fields, transport goods and people. Six generations later, the horse is being recognized.  The Farm is being converted from crop farming to a horse farm with a conservation area.  The Tennessee Walking Horse has been chosen as the all-around horse that represents all of the past horses on The Farm.   

Each area is named in honor of a past family member.  Follow the evolution from a forest to a farm.  If you follow the many different projects, you may learn a thing or two.  The pages that are under construction are normally in the planning or beginning of construction stage.  There may not be enough pictures to track the progress.



The Farm
P.O. Box 201
Caret, VA 22436