The Junior Bee Training Ring

(Click image for pictures)

Carl "Junior Bee" Watts Junior
December 27, 1939 - October 3, 2013
"I just wanted to hear your voice."

   Born in  Washington D. C. Jr. Bee spent a lot of his childhood at The Farm where he developed his love for animals and nature.  He had many friends in the area where he spent weekends and summers until his enlistment in the U. S. Air Force.  As an adult he often brought his mother back to her place of birth.  Carl was a mentor to all.  The training ring has been named in his memory.

    The training ring is the second stop for a beginning horse or rider.  It is often used each year as a start for refresher courses for experienced riders and horses that need brushing up on their communications skills.  It is used also for familiarization with conditions not normally found in every day riding.

    When completed, the training ring will provide several obstacles.  The 12 foot area next to the fence will provide a trail to practice/learn leg and rein ques.  Barrels will be on a separate trail to practice communication skills.  Large  poles across a trail will simulate a down tree on a trail.  A ravine 12 feet wide, 50 feet long and 12 feet deep was constructed to simulate going down into a pass.  It has a gradual and steep access with a drop off on the steep access route.  A 8 foot wide bridge crosses the ravine was constructed to practice crossing bridges along a trail.  A dead end trail allows the horse and rider to practice backing in tight spaces where they cannot turn around.  A gate is installed to practice opening and closing gates without dismounting from the horse.

    The training ring, located on the original house site, is 270 feet by 130 feet.  It is oval shaped to eliminate corners.  The clearing of trees in this area took place in 2004 during the original clearing project.  The construction of the training ring started in January of 2011.   The training ring is scheduled to be completed in 2014.
