The Wilson Pasture

(click the image for pictures)

Wilson "Timm" McCormick
December 9, 1946 - December 14, 1992

Timm, as he like to be called, was born in Washington, D. C.  As a child he would come to The Farm with his parents on weekends and summers to visit his grandparents.  In adulthood he would often visit The Farm well after their death.

This project was started the Saturday after Ash Wednesday 2005. One delay after another caused it to fall behind the original self imposed 6 week schedule. This is the first of five four acre pastures to be constructed.  The sixth pasture is two acres and the seventh is one acre.  The construction of the electric fence consisted of metal T-post spaced every ten feet and four by four wood post every one hundred feet.  The corner post are six by six wooden post. 

The run-in is 12'w x 24'l x 12'h (16'h at the center). It consists of 6" x 6" x 16' posts 3' in the ground every 6'. 2" x 4" stringers were placed 12" apart from the bottom to the top. The trusses were connected to the 6" x 6" x 16' posts with 1/2" bolts, twist nails and glue nails. The roofing is metal on 2" x 4" purlins placed 12" apart. The sides are T1-11 panels.  The paint is a latex Hunter Green.

The gate is a standard twelve foot metal economy gate with a two way latch system..  The 100 gallon waterer is gravity fed from a 225 gallon water tank. The water tank was treated as a separate project.  This project was worked each weekend until it was completed about May 14, 2005.
