The Smith Pasture

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Smith Arthur Williams

    Born on this property, Smith came back to work the land even after he married and moved 75 miles north of here.  Upon retiring Smith returned and lived here until his death in 1995.

    The Smith pasture is area that provides a food source for the horses as well as wildlife.  It is bordered by a cleared area 50 feet wide on all sides.  This area outside the pasture provides a pathway for larger game and is part of the trail system on The Farm.  The main vegetation in the back pasture is orchard grass.  This is grown as a hay for the horses and cover for quail, rabbits, turtles, lizards, snakes, deer and other wildlife.

    The trees were removed from this area in 2006.  The stumps and leveling was not completed until 2008.  The late summer of 2008 was a good time to remove all the large sticks and things that would damage the equipment used to harvest the hay.  The addition of lime was added to adjust the pH of the soil.  The ground had to be plowed to remove compaction of the soil.  The pasture had to be disked to level the land.  Seeds had to be sown and fertilizer had to be applied to feed the young grass. A chain harrow was used to cover the seeds with the proper amount of soil.  All of this had to be completed by the first frost in 2008.  The area is expected to be completely fenced and a run-in built by the summer of 2009. 

    Once the pasture is completed, it will mean there is another part of The Farm that will have to be maintained.  Fortunately the maintenance on the back pasture is minimal.  Just cut the path on the outside of the pasture each month, keep the area under the fence line and near the fence post clear.  Cut the hay when it is ready.  Wind row the hay.  Then bale the hay before the rains come.  If all of that is done, the pasture will be healthy and nice to look at for years to come.
