The Fannie Cross Trail

(click image for pictures)

Fannie Louise Blagmon
June 7, 1931 - October 28, 2005

Fannie was the wife of the previous caretaker of Blagmon Grove from September 16, 1966 until her death. 

Started in June 2009 this trail is located in the middle of Blagmon Grove and extends for a little over a quarter of a mile.  Like most of the trails the Fannie Cross Trail can be started at any point and if you stay on that trail it will bring you back to the point you started.  If you were at the Blagmon Springs road and started south along the Fannie Loop it would take you to a pasture and connect to the Mary Cross Trail.  It would continue along the Mary Cross Trail for about 107 feet before turning into a wooded area.  The Fannie Cross Trail joins the Leonardus Loop and the Boundary Trail on the west side of the property.  The Fannie Cross Trail continues for about 534 feet before branching off into another section of the woods returning to the Blagmon Spring Road.

 The footing is natural sand and grass.  There is one culvert in place to cross a stream that is the head waters to Baylor Creek.  At this point the stream is only 15 inches wide however the water runs year round.  The terrain is gentle rolling hills.  Only 100 feet of this trail is open.  The remainder of the trail extends through wooded areas.  There is a stream on the west side of the trail.  There are only natural flowers on this trail.  During the fall and winter, when the leaves have left the trees, this trail provides a view of Blagmon Springs.  The last 293 feet of this trail will be finished in October 2009.
