The Leonardus Loop

(click image for pictures)

Leonardus Blagmon
May 2008
"I hope you enjoy this land as much as I did."

Born on this property March 9, 1934, Leonardus, was the caretaker of this section of Blagmon Grove until he passed it on in 2008.  In passing the custody of the property he said "I hope you enjoy this land as much as I did."  Everyone that comes to The Farm has the opportunity to enjoy it.

Construction of the Leonardus Loop, a one mile trail that surrounds Blagmon Grove, began in January 2009.  This trail is six feet wide and it's narrowest point extending to eight feet wide in some areas.  It has three overlaping trails.  The Mary Loop is a trail around the First Pasture and joins the Leonardus loop for ___ feet.  The Fannie Loop is a smaller loop near the center of Blagmon Grove.  It joins the Leonardus Loop on the west side of the property for about 534 feet.  The Boundary Trail joins the Leonardus trail for about 1894 feet.

The Leonardus Loop crosses two streams.  One stream is sourced from The Blagmon Springs.  This is just one of the head waters to Baylor Creek.  The other stream in a stream that does not flow year round.  Both springs flow through a fifteen inch culvert.  A sediment pool were place on the upstream side of both streams to keep the culverts clean and as a source of water for landscaping and wildlife.

The Leonardus Loop has a sandy footing.  The sandy footing is covered with four to twelve inches of crush and run stone.  The crush and run has been dragged smooth using a drag harrow and rolled to compress the footing.  This process must be repeated as the trail is used to keep the footing smooth and to prevent erosion. 

There are three stone benches on this trail.  The first bench is located near the South Entrance where the trail turns along the property boundary.  Two sections of the trail can be viewed from this bench.  The second bench is located further along the trail as it runs along the rim of a ravine.  The ravine is about one hundred yards across. The second bench has been placed so the trail can be viewed as it rounds the rim of the ravine.  The ravine and the trail can be viewed from this bench.  The third bench is located near the North Entrance where the trail turns along the property boundary.  Two sections of the trail can also be seen from this location. 
